community christmas trees

December 2023

Our parish has some wonderfully artistic talented members. This week parishioner Leanne decorated this plain wooden tree to help decorate the township of Kilmore.

The local Council enlisted the help of the Mens Shed to make the trees, with about 20 organisations within the town asked to decorate them to enhance the Christmas spirit for the locals.


December 2023

Advent 1 at Christ Church when we traditionally ask the youngest member in the congregation to light the first of the Advent Candles - the candle of Hope.

A great Sunday with visitors, young people and the return visit of past parishioner and warden, Dean.


November 2023

The Feast of Christ the King; the last Sunday in the church liturgical year; and our Feast of Title at Christ Church, Kilmore - all celebrated on our special day with a great morning tea following the service.

Eternal Father, we pray for our communities of which your Son is King. We pray for the communities of our friends and families, our church and our places of work and study. Help us to know the people around us to be our brothers and sisters in Christ and to serve them as Christ the King would serve them. Amen

fun at the op shop

November 2023

Our Parish Op Shop is a blessing to those in need; to those who are after a bargain; and to the Parish who rely on the income. It can also be a source of fun (and hard work) for those who work there, but there are times of complete confusion as to 'what' something is. It is times like this that the obvious thing is to ask the Vicar!!!!! Thanks Fr David for demonstrating what this "thing with arms" was!!!!! Not sure we any the wiser now?????


November 2023

When God puts on some beautiful spring weather, it is a great encouragement for parishioners at Kilmore to have an impromptu working bee on the Memorial Garden at Christ Church. With much fun and laughter, a great job was done over a few hours. Days like this are good to be alive and out in God's creation.


November 2023

A fundraising Melbourne Cup Luncheon was held in the parish, with all attending having a great day. Over $300 for ABM from donations, raffle and Melbourne Cup Sweep Stakes. If anyone was unable to attend but would still like to give a donation, please contact for the parish banking details. Thank you to all who attended.

All souls’ day - ecumenical service at Broadford cemetery

November 2023

All Souls' Day, a day of prayer and remembrance for the faithful departed, was observed by the local community at Broadford Cemetery where prayers and intercessions for those who have died were remembered by those present.

The service was an initiative of the Broadford Ecumenical Christian Churches, and was introduced by Mr Paul Fleming, the Chairman of the Broadford Cemetery Trust, and led by our Fr David Kerr, Fr Prakash Cutinha (Roman Catholic Church), Captain Lauren Kirkham (Salvation Army) and Ros Stewart (Uniting Church).

Season of creation - outdoor service at Wangaratta

October 2023

A wonderful day in Wangaratta as Parishes, Parochial Districts and Diocesan Anglican Schools gathered together in the gardens and grounds of Bishop's Lodge for the Season of Creation Holy Eucharist, and blessing of each Parish tree. The Guest Preacher of the day was the Reverend Canon Dr Rachel Mash who is the Anglican Communion Environmental Network Secretary and Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Co-ordinator who gave a wonderful homily.

Each parish representative stood by their tree as Bishop Clarence blessed each one. The Diocesan tree was planted in the grounds, with all other trees being sent home with each parish.

"All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for such abounding love".

Blessing of the animals - feast of st Francis

October 2023

On Sunday 8th October we celebrated the Feast of St Francis and had the Blessing of the Animals.

"All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small....." so we sang at church during the Sunday Eucharist at Christ Church, Kilmore.

With two very well behaved dogs being blessed; and a photo of a cat (who was unable to come to church) being blessed; and the introduction of Fr David’s puppet cat “Brother Simon”, a great celebration was had.

Ecumenical welcome to Fr David Kerr

August 2023

A lovely morning was held at St Matthew's, Broadford on Sunday 6th August when all the Christian churches of the district came together to officially welcome Fr David to the area. With representatives of the Roman Catholic parish, Salvation Army, and Uniting Church joining us (apologies if we have missed any one out), it was a joy to celebrate and worship together.

art show at kangaroo flat

July 2023

The Parish of Kangaroo Flat in the Bendigo Diocese held their Winter Art Show at St Mary's Anglican Church, where our own Parish Priest, Fr David Kerr, had entered several pieces of his own artwork. Parishioners Sherine and Caroline were joined by Fr David for the Friday afternoon viewing, with more parishioners attending on Saturday.

winter appeal soup luncheon

July 2023

After the Sunday services, a Parish Soup Luncheon was held in aid of the Diocesan Anglicare Winter Appeal. All money donated for the luncheon was donated to Anglicare, and all tinned foods donated given to the local Love In Action group for those in need in the community.

Thank you everyone for your support.

op shop luncheon

June 2023

As a parish, we are always so very appreciative of our wonderful volunteers who help in our Op Shop. These amazing people give their time and talents in sorting, selling, assisting, tidying, recycling and so much more. Without them, our Op Shop wouldn't survive.
During the course of the year, we take time out to thank our workers with a wonderful lunch to thank them for all their work.
This week was another such luncheon at Christ Church where many of our volunteers were shown the appreciation of the parish.
God bless our volunteers!

feast of pentecost

May 2023

The Feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on us. What a great day for the first Sunday for our new Priest-in-Charge, Fr David Kerr.

The ‘wear red to church’ memo was received and a wonderful occasion to embrace the new ministry of Fr David.

Induction of Fr David kerr

May 2023

The Induction of our new Priest-in-Charge, Fr David Kerr, took place on 27th May at Christ Church, Kilmore.

With support from clergy around the Diocese, and parishioners from all four centres of the parish, a wonderful occasion was held.

Symbols of Ministry were offered to Fr David by members of the parish, and the speech of welcome was made by Warden Rebecca Jones.

Historical society visit Christ church

May 2023

A lovely evening was held at Christ Church when the Kilmore Historical Society and Parishioners joined together to listen to Guest Speakers Glen and Catherine Turnbull talk on the history of our great building.

Thank you Glen and Catherine for coming and for sharing your knowledge on the history of the oldest church in our Diocese.

farewell Fr André and Patty du plooy

April 2023

After just over five years with us, it was with sadness that we farewelled Fr André and Patty Du Plooy in April.

A wonderful celebration of their ministry with us was held with a time to reflect over the past five years and give thanks to these two lovely people.

Speeches at Christ Church came from many in the congregation with a common theme of gratitude and thanks.

May God bless you both André and Patty, and blessings to the Cooperative Ministry of Euroa and Murchison and your future journey of God together.

Palm Sunday, Holy week and Easter

March 2023

What an amazing eight days from Palm Sunday through to Easter Day as we journey with Our Lord on his final journey to the Cross and Resurrection.

Good friday appeal

March 2023

Thirty pieces of silver was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, in the account in Matthew’s Gospel.

Each year from Easter to Good Friday, parishioners donate their loose change (encouraged to give their own 30 pieces of silver) to a large glass jar, and on Good Friday, all money raised is donated to the local Fire Brigade to go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.

shrove Tuesday

February 2023

With Ash Wednesday the following day, parishioners gathered at Christ Church on Shrove Tuesday to ceremonially remove the flowers from the church; partake in a pancake supper, and burn palm crosses to make the Ash for the Ash Wednesday ceremonies.

Australia Day

January 2023

With acknowledgement to the Tungurong people, whose land the parish lies, we celebrated and gave thanks to God for this wonderful country of ours on Australia Day.