winter appeal soup luncheon

June 2024

An amazing $400 was raised at our Parish Winter Appeal Soup Luncheon. This will be sent to the Diocesan Winter Appeal, and the large number of tins of donated soup will be given to the local Love In Action group.

A great afternoon of fellowship was had by many parishioners who enjoyed a variety of home made soups, in the hope that our donations will make a difference to those in need this winter.

Thank you to all who supported this.

op shop lunch

June 2024

"One persons trash is another persons treasure" so the saying goes...... Our Parish Op Shop would not exist or survive without our wonderful volunteer helpers, who each week come and sort out other peoples treasures, bargains, and sometimes just things you didn't know you wanted until you see it at a bargain price at the Op Shop. Twice a year our Parish puts on an Op Shop Luncheon to express our appreciation to the volunteers who work tirelessly each week to raise money for parish funds and help those in need.

Our mid year luncheon was held in early June with nearly 30 volunteers turning up to enjoy a sumptuous lunch.

Parish social outing

June 2024

When your Parish Priest exchanges working behind an altar, to working in a murder scene!!!!! So was the life for Fr David in June when he played one of the lead roles in "The Physicist", a Play produced by the Shepparton Theatrical Arts Group.

A group of parishioners went up to support him and to have a great afternoon out. Well done Fr David - we all had a great time, and you were amazing.

drone photography at Christ church

May 2024

These amazing images and videos were created by Dave Hewison Photography this week, and show an amazing view of our beautiful church. Thank you Dave for allowing us to share your work.

FB page: davehewisonphotography

working bee at Christ Church

May 2024

With thanks to Shirley for organising the Working Bee in the grounds and surrounds at Christ Church. A glorious God-given day with plenty of work completed.

So great to see the four new trees planted by the Shire to replace those removed to make way for the new footpath.

fr David’s 1st anniversary in the parish

May 2024

On the 26th May, we celebrated the 1st anniversary of the Ministry of Fr David Kerr as Priest-in-Charge of our Parish.

Loving God, we pray for all clergy in our Diocese, but particularly on this day, we pray for our own Priest, Fr David, as he celebrates one year of ministry amongst us. Guide him and keep him and bless his vocation as he works with us, his people. Amen

feast of pentecost

May 2024

The Feast of Pentecost at Christ Church, Kilmore. A party atmosphere celebrating this great Feast - red balloons, red streamers, red flowers, red morning tea, and virtually every member of the congregation wearing red in some form.

‘A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you,’ says the Lord God; ‘I will put my spirit within you and you shall live.’ (Ezekiel 36:26, 37:14)

150th anniversary at St Matthew’s, Broadford

April 2024

On May 5th we celebrated the 150th anniversary of St Matthew's, Broadford. What a great celebration to have our Bishop Clarence and Michelle with us for the occasion and guest preacher Rev Dr Luke Hopkins. With thanks to all who helped us celebrate - those who visited from outside the parish, past parishioners, Bp Clarence, Rev Dr Luke, and of course our own parishioners. Thank you to John (and helpers) for putting it all together to make today a wonderful occasion.


March 2024

We give thanks and blessings for a meaningful Holy Week and a lovely Easter Day.

Our Holy Week and Easter photos conclude with pictures from the Easter Vigil at St Matthew's, and Easter Day at Christ Church.


easter working bee

March 2024

Thank you to those who turned up for our Easter Working Bee at Christ Church. From the starkness of Good Friday, to the beauty of an Easter church in just 24 hours.

good friday appeal

March 2024

From Easter Day to the following Good Friday parishioners are given the opportunity to donate 30 pieces of silver (or their small change and not so small if they wish!) to a large glass jar. Thirty pieces of silver was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew 26:15. The money raised each year is donated to the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Some years, like our covid years, we didn't quite fill the jar, but this year we not only filled it, but filled it to overflowing.

Following the Good Friday service at Christ Church, the local Fire Brigade, who were volunteering to collect donations, called into the church to pick up our annual donation to this worthy cause.

May God bless all who are sick, and particularly young children who are suffering and in hospital at this time.

maundy thursday and good friday

March 2024

Foot washing, Stripping of the Altar and the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, was followed by the starkness; the emptiness; the silence; the prayers on Good Friday - what wonderfully moving services these were.

parish seder meal

March 2024

The parish Seder Meal was held at Christ Church during Holy Week. The meal consisted of flat, dry cracker-like bread called matzah, bitter herbs, horseradish (without additives) and charoset (a paste of nuts, apples, pears and wine). The festive dinner started with malike chicken soup and gefilte fish.

With thanks to all who cooked, prepared and organised, particularly to Dr Norman Rose who brought his experience of life as a Jew before converting to Christianity, and who organised and planned the evening with his wife Anne.

palm sunday

March 2024

A glorious Kilmore morning, saw parishioners at Christ Church gather outside the church for the blessing of the palms, the Collect and Palm Gospel reading, followed by the 'entry into Jerusalem'. Parishioners then followed Fr David and the serving team as the procession was led into and around the inside of the church singing the traditional "All glory praise and honour". What a wonderful start to Holy Week and Easter.

mothering sunday

March 2024

On the fourth Sunday in Lent; Laetare Sunday or Mothering Sunday as it is also known as, was celebrated in our Parish. Traditionally a break from the austere period of Lent and our church changed to Pink/Rose as the colour of the day. A Simnel cake was presented and blessed during the service at Christ Church as we prayed for all Mothers, Step-Mothers, Grandmothers, Mother-figures, and women who play significant roles in the lives of others.

world day of prayer

March 2024

World Day of Prayer was celebrated in the Parish, Diocese, Australia and the rest of the world on the first Sunday in March. Our parish hosted the service at St Matthew's Broadford, and Christ Church, Kilmore. This year we prayed for the people of Palestine.

Fr David gave the homily at the service, and Dr Norman Rose gave a talk as a converted Jew with family in Israel and a history of growing up in a Zionist youth movement.

visit by Bishop Clarence to the parish

February 2024

How lovely to have Bishop Clarence, Michelle Bester, and the Bishop's Chaplain Fr David Still with us in the parish in February. Parishioners joined together from other parts of the parish for the Eucharist at St Matthew's, Broadford at 9.00am, with the Bishop then travelling to our smallest centre in the Parish - the Church of the Transfiguration at Pyalong.

Painting workshop at Christ Church

February 2024

Something new for Christ Church! In conjunction with the Kilmore Art Society, Fr David organised a Painting Workshop at Christ Church. With members of the Art Society, wider community and parish, those who attended had a great day.

Watch this space for the second of these workshops. If you are interested in attending, please contact Fr David direct.


January 2024

A great Australia Day giving thanks for this wonderful country of ours was celebrated in Kilmore today by parishioners whose origins were far and wide - Malta, Egypt, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Italy, England, and Sri Lanka.

Loving God, we pray for all peoples who make Australia the lovely country it is. Amen